Alexandre Lebel

Alexandre Lebel

Head of ESAD
Head of Ph.D. program in ATDR
Pavillon Félix-Antoine-Savard, bureau 1644
418 656-2131, poste 402578

Alexandre Lebel completed his undergraduate studies in physical geography and geographic information systems at Université Laval (2003). He pursued his master’s degree (2005) and doctorate (2010) in land use planning and regional development on social and territorial inequalities in health, with regard to the geography of overweight in Quebec. He did a postdoctoral on these same topics and on the use of multilevel analysis methods at the Harvard School of Public Health (2012).

He is now professor at the École supérieure d’aménagement du territoire et de développement régional (ÉSAD) at Laval University, where he is director of the Ph.D program. His teaching focuses on sustainable living environments and public health.

His research interests lie mainly in assisting decision-making in spatial planning through the implementation of health impact assessment (HIA) at the municipal level, as well as by multi-level modelling of phenomena affecting lifestyle and social inequalities in health. He leads the Plateforme d’évaluation en prévention de l’obesité (PÉPO) at the Research Centre of the Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec (CRIUCPQ), as well as the Interdisciplinary Research Partnership-Action in Planning and Decision Support for Social Equity (PIRAMIDES).